
November 19, 2008 § 3 Comments

The bedroom that they were in was filled with sloping rich and purple walls.

Candles of every scent and brightness had been placed around, to create illusion and shadows.

Their breath pushing whispers around the room, unweaving like gold.

The bed that they lay on sewn with gentle silk and satins, each tiny twist of the needle obvious.

Their bodies that lay on the bed, entwined and captured.

Their paleness shocking to the moonlight that danced across them like clear glass.

His body pressed on hers delicately and urgent at the same time.

“No noise” He said, his lips moving effortlessly against her neck, his hand covering her mouth.

Her legs spreading wider against him, allowing him to enter her dripping pussy deeper.

Their bodies moving in unison, tiny droplets of sweat trickling down the arch of their backs.

Their hands searching for a thread of pleasure.

Their voices quiet, calm, passive.

His hands pressing to her breasts, their rosy red surroundings growing like new born poppies, uncurling ever so slowly.

Their mouths closing around each other, moaning in their needs, echoing and promising.

Their story and passion whirling and twisting.

Their orgasms releasing, opening, bursting like a thousand tiny bubbles.

Their bodies left.

Pale and lifeless.


© Copyright of Charlotte Thorpe

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